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Our Logistics Center is strategically located in the heart of the country...

About Us

Logistic Solutions to Help People in Need In Israel

Since 2000, the Joseph Project International (JPI) has a proven track record of providing humanitarian aid. To date, JPI has successfully imported and distributed more than 1000 forty-foot shipping containers of humanitarian aid and is the largest importer of humanitarian aid in the State of Israel. All total, JPI has distributed aid valued at over $172 million. Alongside import operations, the Joseph Project International engages in innovative humanitarian initiatives, such as providing healthy food, collecting surplus items locally, and procuring high-demand goods for various individuals facing hardship.

1 Mil.

Children living with food insecurities


Households living below the poverty line


Children experiencing severe food insecurity


of households in israel are below the poverty line

warehouse image

From our centrally located Logistics Center and Warehouse in the Jerusalem Region, the Joseph Project International works closely with a growing network of independent relief centers, as well as private and government organizations throughout Israel. The Joseph Project International provides basic life necessities such as clothing, furniture, medical supplies, diapers, food, blankets, and more – allowing our humanitarian aid recipients the ability to live a dignified life despite their trying circumstances.

Some of Our Contributing Brands

and so many more...


Partner with us and be a part of the solution

The Joseph Project International relies on the generosity of donors who share our burden for Israel and desire to see the Joseph Project International grow and help as many suffering the burden of poverty in Israel as possible. Without your support we simply would not be able to do what we do. Please, prayerfully consider joining us in this prophetic calling and endeavor for the physical and spiritual restoration of Israel and may all we do bring glory and honor to the Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. .

Please consider partnering with us by making a monthly or one-time financial contribution to Joseph Project International.

“He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given”. Proverbs 19:17

Hear From Our Partners:

Their Stories & Experiences


"Helping Hand Coalition is privileged to be partnering with Joseph Project International in providing humanitarian aid to the Holocaust survivors and other populations in need in Israel. We are grateful for the humanitarian supplies that are being able to be shipped through Joseph Project International and appreciative of their efforts and commitment in delivering them to the people who truly need it the most in the Land."


Luke Gasiorowski

CEO of Helping Hand Coalition


"In 2016 IFA approached the Joseph Project International confidentially for a historic assistance operation from the citizens of Israel to the citizens of Syria, through the Golan Heights, with the help of the IDF. They understood the significance of saving lives of innocents and would directly strengthen the state of Israel. The intense assistance constituted transport of hundreds of tons of critical supplies, building a hospital, equipment for handicapped persons, dried foods, warm clothing, baby products, and more."


Gal Lusky

CEO of Israel Flying Aid


"Every since Joseph Project International became our partner, our children smile more!"


Rabbi Ze'ev Slavin

Ohr Simcha Orphanage


"On behalf of our children and all other patients who will benefit from the donation of the custom designer wheelchairs we would like to thank the Joseph Project International for this incredible expression of generosity and support that you have donated, and continue to donate to Herzog Hospital. The wheelchairs have given them a new life, as now they will not just lie in bed all day. They can now sit up, go outside for fresh air, and see their environment."


Herzog Medical Center


"Kivunim’s Wings & Carmel programs serve young people with physical/sensory disabilities and with autism. For 2 years they live and practice self-management and community integration in training apartments. The furniture received from Joseph Project International was in high quality, beautiful and comfortable and was used in theses training apartments. There is no doubt that the furniture not only contributes to Kivunim, but also helped to prepare the apartments in a welcoming and comfortable way for the participants and help with their transition, which for some of them is the first time they leave the parents' house. Many thanks to the entire staff of Joseph Project International for the amazing support of Kivunim and the integration of people with disabilities!"




This is an opportune time to thank the Joseph Project International for all that they do for so many all over Israel.Imagine this.. You are 5 or 6 years old, maybe 12 or 14, and you have been removed from your home because of the terrible situation in the house. You don’t know if you will ever really live at home again, on a day to day basis. Your father is in jail, your money is unwell or on drugs.  People tried to hurt you and you don’t feel that you are worth anything at all. You find yourself at Neve Michael, in a beautiful bedroom with lovely sheets, beautiful blanket and pillow-everything is new, including the plates and cutlery in the kitchen , and toys and balls next to your bed , and  cute shoes as well.. You are in heaven because somebody out there loves you enough and cares about you enough.. and it doesn’t matter where you came from or why you had to be taken away from your family.. There are good people out there, the  Joseph Project International, who want to give you the life that every boy and girl deserves to have.. The children at Neve Michael are so lucky to have all of you who are bringing so much joy and happiness to our precious children… I cannot thank you enough.


Nevel Michael Children’s Village


"The Tenufa B'Kehila organization has been working in cooperation with Joseph Project International for several years now. More often then not, when our team comes to help renovate the homes of families in need for free, they encounter cases where children are sleeping on thin floor mattresses on the floor or with no bed at all , and the parents are sleeping on sofas in the livving room instead of beds. After our social worker meets with these families to properly assess their needs, she turns to Joseph Project International to ask for help providing essential beds and furniture. To date, Joseph Project International has helps hundreds of families by providing them with brand new beds, mattresses, and other needs furnishing. Thanks to Joseph Project International, these children, teenagers, parents, and elderly citizens can all sleep with more comfort and sense of dignity. Thank you!"


Tenufa Ba’Kehila


"Be’ad Chaim, Israel Pro Life, is grateful to the Joseph Project International for partnering with us as we offer care, mercy and practical help to mothers in crisis. The Joseph Project International has faithfully provided furniture to moms in need . Recently, moms received beds, tables, chairs and other household items that not only made a difference in a practical way, but showed them that people care about them.  A big thanks to the Joseph Project International for all their help and cooperation!"


Be'ad Chaim


As a hub for social start-ups, we at Eretz-Ir love to cooperate with Joseph Project International on a national-scale to bring goods to several organizations, and our developing a joint project together called Social Delivery. This operation is based on the shared value of sustainability. This is a high impact project that will change society.




"On behalf of the Mayor of Gush Etzion Mr. Davidi Perl I would like to thank you for your generosity. Your organization does amazing things. Kolha’kavod!"


The Gust Etzion Foundation


"We appreciate your enormously generous gift of 60 beautiful, brand-new, modern sofas which were delivered, unpacked and deposited in their new homes this morning. We continue to absorb newcomers from the former Soviet Union – most of whom have arrived in Israel on their own (Naaleh) without their families to begin their teenage lives in Israel. Also continuing is Magshimim - the highly successful day program for autistic youth. What a happy day it has been at the Dr. Israel Goldstein Youth Village!"


Dr. Israel Goldstein Youth Village


Some Of Our Partners

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